Papa Boome

Got a call from Papa Boome aka. Señor Boome aka. Boome Snr. and he offered me some work, which is nice considering he's an old school joiner and hasn't offered me work since I gutted That Attic for him That One Time. Well it's not really work for him per se, but to cut a very long story and 45 min phone call short, a family friend collates, produces and distributes a small publication of local tradesmen, skilled labourers and local businesses. Think of it as a kind of local mini-yellow pages. Anyway it's into it's 6th edition now, and during a conversation with said family friend Old Papa mentioned I was a designer and would be happy to help out with layout etc.

So I've got a couple of old editions (see below) and hopefully should be working on the next one.

And getting paid. Happy days.

Sent from my iPhone


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