New Website

I'm starting a new website to replace the old one. Why i hear you ask? Well, let me tell you.

For one, I never actually finished it. There's no explainations, no descriptions of work, the navigation was awkward and to be honest it was a little messy. I think i got it to a point where I'd really had enough, and it worked enough to go live so, as a test, I put it up and it worked! But just working doesn't make a good website. So for one, it needs finishing.

Secondly, I don't like the design anymore. It was kind of a concept and experiment at the time, and again, it worked, but it's not amazing. It needs to be clearer, easier to use and cleaner. But it was nice while it lasted.

Lastly, and probably more tellingly, I did it relatively quickly and got bored of it very quickly. I do that. I get fed up with my work and want to do something else. Constant change and all that. So i want something that can last, something that I've put a lot of work into making, so I'm gonna take my time with this one.

I think...


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