They come!

Got my first delivery of business cards today. Did the disappoint? Of course they did. A number of problems with them, which is a shame cos I got 2500 of em. You want reasons? Ok here goes...

The type is too small, the gloss has made the White yellow, the colours have run, the logo is too big, I accidentally printed my 'awesomeness' business card but even then spelt sweep ness wrong...

Enough reasons? Shame I got another 2500 on the way then. This time they're foiled though, and it says art direction, spelt right for once. The type will probably be too small but what can you do? When they crop your image there's nowt you can do. Think I'll probably end up making some anyways, but at least I have a logo and font and colour choice sorted.

For now.

I'll probably get bored with it again in 6 weeks

Business cards

So i made the leap and just ordered some business cards...2,500 of them. Well they were cheap. But i did it using the new identity i've got from my recent brief, so we'll see how they turn out but i'm hopeful.

New ID

PSS want me back

Got an email today from Steve at paper scissor stone through Amber saying he'd like to have me back again in the summer. Not sure on the details or of anything when it comes to Steve basically, but i'll pop by, see what the crack is and have a chin wag.

PPD Presentation

Personally i thought my presentation went rather well. I was told when i was practising with Phoenix and Kay that maybe i come off a little negative, and i think if there were a weakness it would probably be that, but i was just beng honest with my opinions and my assessment of where i am at the moment which is what this is all about after all.

Plus my Rock slides went down well.


I have a friend who works for the digital ad agency MadeByPi doing web programming and the such, so i gave him a tinkle to pick his brain tech specs and software for iphone apps and if i could talk to anyone at hs agency about placements etc

St. Inks

I'm thinking about getting a batch of tshirts made to sell
Online, but as is quite often the case making a full batch of t's is time consuming and expensive. So I've been looking at a few places such as Factory 4 and others, and I found a small place in Leeds that does short runs of stuff, called St. Inks.

Now I may just be naive, but I expected quote a lot from a professional screen printers. Turns out it's literally 2 guys in a basement. And that's not an exaggeration. They're set up under some massive warehouse just a little way from the bus station. It's proper, proper ghettO. You have to walk through an entire corridor of basements to get to it too. It was like walking to my death.

But they're sound guys who work elsewhere and do screen printing in their spare time so I may have use for them yet, and they're not particularly expensive either.