10 Brief Subjects...

Right, done. After writing up the briefs, here's the final 10:

Low Clothing

PSS Greetings Cards

M. Boome Joinery Services

E4 Monday Night Movies


Don't Panic!

Guilty Pleasures

NFL/NBA 2010-11

Xbox vs PlayStation


Negotiated Briefs

The biggest problem I have when it comes to writing and researching my own briefs lies with the fact that I'm still not 100% sure what areas of graphic design I want to fully pursue. For example, I'd really like to try some layout and editorial design, but having not really explored that side of design yet would it be right for me to go into it now, in my 3rd year, when maybe i should be focussing on something I've tried and tested before. Similarily with motion graphics, which I've only really dabbled in before, and branding and identity which I've done practically nothing with before. But I don't want to have a stack of briefs that all say "produce a poster", "design a book cover" etc etc, just because that's what I'm used to. So it's a tough cookie.


1st day of placement with Steve from Paper Scissor Stone.

Wish me luck.