Website Progress - Icons

Website Progress - Words

Website Progress

Website Concept

I have an overall concept at the moment for my website. A lot of websites i'm looking at at the moment of designers all seem to be the same - generally blank, white backgrounds with small black text and logos. Now i'm not saying they don't look good. They do. And i guess its so it doesn't take anything away from the work. But it's just a bit generic. So i think i'm going to try and do something a little different. It probably won't work and i'll probably make a mess of it but hey-ho, if you don't try and all that.

This is Me&My Pen, the very talented illustrator and designer Darren Newman. His website is a classic example of this, and it looks smashing. But there's LOADS just like it (though not executed quite as well as this)

So I'm going for a sketch-pad-esque look, with written writing and trying to continue the work on icons i did last year with icons for the tabs/links instead of words.

we'll see how it goes...


Just been asked today - by my mum - to do some logo and identity work dad ha. He's a self-employed joiner and with the old recession work has dropped off somewhat of late so, as my dad can't even turn a computer on, they've asked me to design some business cards, letter-headed paper, compliment slips, local paper advertisements and some form of website. That's the first week of my summer gone then...



Not been too pleased with, or thought much about, my personal identity for my website and other materials. Then I drew this (see below). Now I'm a pretty simple kind of guy, and pretty easy going so I thought this was actually quite fitting to my personality. Plus i've always wanted to call my first son Sonic (it's gonna happen!!). I think the hidden reference is rather obvious, and its has quite a ring to it, and besides I've already bought the domain name. So it's a done deal.