1. As mentioned in previous tasks my past childish exploits into t-shirt design have moved on to actual work for small clothing companies and I see myself pursuing this for a long time to come.

2. However it is a growing industry with the range and quality of t-shirt designs increasing continuously and I fully understand my work is cut out, but having both knowledge and experience of the market I feel I can contribute positively.

3. I don’t see myself as being specialist in one form or method, which is something that is both good and bad – I would like to have more focus but am glad that I can work in many different areas.

4. I see myself working both freelance and as part of a creative design team

5. I think that I work well with others in creative groups and so would relish the opportunity to join a creative team to gain experience and a strong portfolio

6. I would prefer to work locally/within the country. I definitely wouldn’t refuse international work, but I would prefer to stay within the country as I love the English sensibilities, humour and culture.

7. This current module, though only a week and a half old, has seemed fairly effortless to get into, and I would like to push my efforts into digital media further beyond this module, though I’m sure I’ll be changing my tune after weeks on after effects.

8. One of my skills is idea generation and not just the production of work so I would like to be a part of the initial creative and not just the overall production

9. I see myself eventually heading a design agency, either of my own or not, and leading a team of creatives – designers, advertisers and more.

10. I would like at some point to write and direct films, either features, shorts or adverts, but either way I would like to move into motion pictures.


So just looking at some creative cv's and portfolios to get an idea of the kind of thing I'd like to do when it comes to my own personal identity...

This seems to quite an "in" thing to do - big, bold, simple text, all in capitals. It's a bit done, but I still like it ha.

From the brash and the bold to the clean and the simple. What I like about this one isn't so much the data delivery, but the form of the folder itself. It's definately different, maybe a little complicated, but overall nice and clean. Now this really addresses the notion of what a creative cv can be, and even though its not fantastically interesting, it just shows that a cv doesn't have to be some kind of flat, 2D, A4 piece of paper.

And something bit different, a lot more corporate looking but effective in its function.

Going almost completely against what I said about flat 2D cv's is that not all plain A4 cv's need be boring and dull. A little bit of ingenuity and interesting design and layout can make a big difference and make it look engaging and involving.

And I just really love this, while its actually really complicated and quite difficult to decipher its way cool and lots of fun. Good amount of infographics going on.