ppd prep.
the connexions website says that “work experience will help you to understand what it might be like to work in a particular job. This will help you decide what you want to do for a career and also develop skills and attitudes essential for the world of work.
from my point of view, as a design student, professional/industrial experience is anything that exposes me to the workings of the design industry.
For example…
work placements in a design agency
live briefs or competitions with deadlines
tracking/following a design team or indivdual
viewing another designers portfolio for insight into working practice
similarly interviewing another working designer
observing output processes such as in a print factory
I think the more pertinent question, and more importantly answer, would be “why Is professional / industrial experience important TO ME as a part of ppd”
Well for one it gives an insight into what would be expected of me in the professional workplace; in a classroom environment it is hard to understand the practice and pressures of a professional working practice
In order to understand processes such as printing/dealing with printers you need to have first hand experience in working with them
When in work experience with professional designers I would build a relationship with them and contacts for future employment/work collaborations, or even just for advice and help
Professional experience would help me to understand my place in a very versatile and varied industry, which is especially important for someone like me who doesn’t yet know exactly what area I want to go into
It would help me to define my weaknesses and strengths and to keep focus on them and how to improve in those areas
I’d gain professional / industrial experience from:
Working internships or work experience placements at design studios
Live briefs and competitions for companies, agencies or charities
Interviews and conversations with professional designers, or looking through their portfolios and design work
Visits to not only design studios but to print factories and other output manufacturers
what I would aim to get from this type of professional experience? Well firstly the experience itself. The best way to learn anything is just to do it – books and lectures can only teach so much, its all about the graft.
Secondly, similarly to our design context brief, the exposure to not only designers in their professional context but to the work they produce would be a massive inspiration and I would aim to get ideas that would inform my projects and also my working practice
Third, contacts and friendships with designers and clientele, that would help me in my future professional practice, for collabrations, clients, inspiration and advice.
I would strengthen my own personal portfolio with the work I produce
Gain knowledge of the professional design world and what will be expected of me once I enter that world, and help me make plans for my future practice
the connexions website says that “work experience will help you to understand what it might be like to work in a particular job. This will help you decide what you want to do for a career and also develop skills and attitudes essential for the world of work.
from my point of view, as a design student, professional/industrial experience is anything that exposes me to the workings of the design industry.
For example…
work placements in a design agency
live briefs or competitions with deadlines
tracking/following a design team or indivdual
viewing another designers portfolio for insight into working practice
similarly interviewing another working designer
observing output processes such as in a print factory
I think the more pertinent question, and more importantly answer, would be “why Is professional / industrial experience important TO ME as a part of ppd”
Well for one it gives an insight into what would be expected of me in the professional workplace; in a classroom environment it is hard to understand the practice and pressures of a professional working practice
In order to understand processes such as printing/dealing with printers you need to have first hand experience in working with them
When in work experience with professional designers I would build a relationship with them and contacts for future employment/work collaborations, or even just for advice and help
Professional experience would help me to understand my place in a very versatile and varied industry, which is especially important for someone like me who doesn’t yet know exactly what area I want to go into
It would help me to define my weaknesses and strengths and to keep focus on them and how to improve in those areas
I’d gain professional / industrial experience from:
Working internships or work experience placements at design studios
Live briefs and competitions for companies, agencies or charities
Interviews and conversations with professional designers, or looking through their portfolios and design work
Visits to not only design studios but to print factories and other output manufacturers
what I would aim to get from this type of professional experience? Well firstly the experience itself. The best way to learn anything is just to do it – books and lectures can only teach so much, its all about the graft.
Secondly, similarly to our design context brief, the exposure to not only designers in their professional context but to the work they produce would be a massive inspiration and I would aim to get ideas that would inform my projects and also my working practice
Third, contacts and friendships with designers and clientele, that would help me in my future professional practice, for collabrations, clients, inspiration and advice.
I would strengthen my own personal portfolio with the work I produce
Gain knowledge of the professional design world and what will be expected of me once I enter that world, and help me make plans for my future practice